Bimba's chanceries

From the articles 'Interview with Bimba', 'Battle with the Creole' and other sources, it seems that Bimba liked to catch opponent's head in a chancery - the headlock, both the side and front(called "Gravata alta", "Colar de força alto" and even "Tronco de pescoço") - in the jogo. It does not really matter what the modern capoeiristas think of it; Bimba certainly loved it. (In fact, it got awarded the highest number of points in his match with Zey)

Knowing the rest of Bimba's system, we might ask: Were these normal chanceries? Or had Bimba another special trick up his sleeve?

The answer is the later; and the key is again Nemer. Unlike with the common headlocks, when you a chancery using Nemer mechanics, it creates a nerve disruption in the opponent. And the disruption lasts as long as you keep the hold on; so the opponent cannot escape!

Front Nemer chancery

Apply the common front chancery, but use Nemer mechanics.

As for the position of your hands, to use Nemer mechanics and have the nerve disruption effect, you must no clasp your hands as commonly done; instead, when applying the chancery with your right arm, you must clasp your right hand into a fist and use your left hand (palm down), to seize your right wrist (from above).

Done properly using Nemer, the opponent cannot move or escape; as you keep him in a nerve disruption.

Side Nemer chancery

Apply the common side chancery, but use Nemer mechanics to do it. You have to only use one arm; if you try to clasp your hands, it is not Nemer mechanics anymore!

Done properly using Nemer, the opponent cannot move or escape; as you keep him in a nerve disruption.

The only fly in the ointment is that you cannot apply a strangle with Nemer side chancery; you just block opponent's airway partially; so this is more of a controlling hold than a fighting technique. That is why Bimba used Balao de lado (hip throw) as a finish from the side chancery.

Over-shoulder chancery

Aside from front and side chancery, Bimba had one more trick: Over-shoulder chancery, called 'Gravata cinturada'. Again, this hold was done using Nemer mechanics; and when applied, causes a nerve strangle which keeps him still. 

Again, to apply the chancery using Nemer, you cannot clasp your hands; you have to use just one arm to seize opponent's head (as in the sequences).

Again, Bimba used a shoulder throw (Gravata cinturada) as a finish from this chancery.

(Also, using the above Nemer mechanics is just about the only way you can get the over-shoulder chancery on an uncooperative opponent).


Nemer guillotine

As we see, Nemer side chancery and Nemer over-shoulder chancery were finished with throws(Baloes).

(See my article on Bimba's Cintura desprezada for more info on the throws).

However, what about the Nemer front chancery? It is sad sitting there without a finish.

Indeed, there is a finish! It uses Nemer mechanics and it was probably used by Bimba to finish 'Creole' in his jogo with him.

After applying the Nemer front chancery(and the nerve disruptor), keep Nemer mechanics on and add Seduction1 modificator; shouting "Ieee!" and twisting your body rightward while arching backward a bit. This applies a blood strangle that finishes the opponent in several seconds.

Note that this is a very unusual type of the popular 'guillotine choke' - Nemer guillotine! And a lot more powerful, because it keeps the opponent in a nerve disruption as you strangle him. It shows how versatile and powerful Bimba's Nemer capoeira was. There is a lot modern MMA can learn from Bimba....



In his Nemer system of capoeira, Bimba used three headlocks or chanceries; all done using Nemer mechanics:
-front chancery, causes a nerve disruption and can be turned into a blood strangle by adding Seduction1("Ieee!" - Nemer guillotine)
-side chancery, causes a nerve disruption and can be finished with Balao de lado
-over-shoulder chancery, causes a nerve strangle and can be finished with Gravata cinturada

(See my article on Bimba's Cintura desprezada for more info on the throws and their effects).




In Mestre Bimba's 'Curso de capoeira regional', it is written about Balao de lado:

"To this technique, once it is grasped, there is no defence and it results in a dangerous fall of the opponent". (translated)

Similarly, about Gravata cinturada, it is written:

"Dangerous technique." (Golpe perigoso).

This further corroborates the fact that these technique were not just meant as a showy techniques; but that they were throws to be employed in combat, at least to some extent.
















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