What is Ruy Gouveia's giro de cintura?

In the book of Mestre Decanio 'Heranca de Mestre Bimba' (http://www.capoeira-connection.com/capoeira/downloads/Heritage_Bimba.pdf), there is described a movement out of cocorinha called 'Ryu Gouveia's giro de cintura'.

I always wondered what it is. It is quite mysterious; as its spartan description does not resemble anything I learned in Capoeira. It does, however, resemble something: A breakdancing move called 'swipe'.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeUpw_EwWEM (2:00)

It matches the description; even the name fits ("spin of the hips"). It can even be finished in the 'queda de rins' position, as Mestre Decanio writes.

So I guess this is the mysterious 'Ruy Gouvia's giro de cintura'; or the swipe. You can add it to your low game if you want; with or without the queda de rins.

To do it properly, you must use Seduction1 modificator.




















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