Bimba's 5th sequence is interesting. Unlike most of the other sequences that teach the common exchanges of the Regional game (mostly kicks), in 5th sequence, there is a weird turn around; then a straight Bahian cabeçada("Arpao de cabeça" - see my article on Bahian cabeçadas) and a knee to the face as counterattack.
My question always was: Why teach this strange exchange?
First of all, I have never seen anybody spinning like that in a roda.
Second, why teach the Straight Bahian cabeçada (that works against grabs) instead of the more usable Rising Bahian cabeçada (that works as a counter)?
And finally, why counterattack with the knee, when old Bahian capoeira already has two counters to (Bahian) cabeçada - Leque and Bocheco (see the article on Bahian cabeçadas counters)? Why not use these counters?
After thinking about it for a while, I found out the only possible answer:
In the 5th sequence, Bimba is teaching how to attack an opponent who has his back turned toward you! You aim to hit his back with the headbutt!
This is the reason he uses Straight Bahian cabeçada; because no other cabeçada works for hitting opponent's back.
(See my article on Bahian cabeçadas; this cabeçada is applied either to the center of chest or back, and causes a breath sealer).
Also, it explains the turn; you are not spinning like a top, hoping that the opponent will throw a cabeçada because of it. Instead, you first turn your back; and when the opponent tries to throw a straight Bahian cabeçada to your back - the only cabeçada that works in that situation - you quickly turn to face him and counterattack.
Finally, it also explains why the knee kick is used as a counter: Because if the opponent throws the cabeçada to your back, you will not have enough time to counter with Leque or Bochecho (which you would have if the aimed for your chest); so you have to use a knee kick to his face.
The above finally explain 5th sequence. 5th sequence teaches you how to attack when the opponent turns his back(with the Straight Bahian cabeçada); and also, how to fake turning your back and as the opponent attacks, counter with a knee.
It also mirrors he exchange from Bimba's game with Creole: Creole faked turned his back, and when the Bimba attacked with 'Arpao de cabeçada', Creole tries to nail him with a knee. But Bimba's cabeçada was also a fake, so he sweps Creole's standing leg with a negativa, etc.
The spin in the sequence is not some weird chamada (as some people interpret it); it is a fake turning your back - and then a counter. The cabeçada aims for the center your back!
Note: Properly, the spin itself is done with LightLegs.
Note that the 5th sequence only makes sense when people use Straight Bahian cabeçada in the jogo. Otherwise, it is a weird anachronism.
From the above it can be seen how nonsensical is the modern interpretation that takes the rotation to be some kind of 'chamada' that 'provokes' a cabeçada to the chest. Not to the chest - to the back! Such a basic thing was forgotten by capoeiristas.
But of course, to understand that, the modern capoeiristas would have to understand cabeçadas; to know what is the difference between a classic cabeçada (Tiger mechanics) and Bahian cabeçada (Rooster+Seduction1); and then also the difference between Straight Bahian cabeçada and Rising Bahian cabeçada...
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