Banda de frente

Banda de frente was a popular capoeiragem (and probably also Batuque) banda; or standing takedown.

(Banda de frente, 1954)

It is done from the front, as the name implies; the opponent has his left leg forward.

First, put your right shin across opponent's left shin; your right knee on his left side of his left knee, your foot on the right side of his left foot.

Use this 'grip' to lift opponent's front leg upward and underneath his center; making him lose ballance forward onto the lifted leg. (This part is done using Tyranosaurus archetype).

Continue by sweeping leftward with your right foot, sweeping his both feet together and to the left. (This part is done using Tiger archetype).

This will make the opponent fall forward and onto his left side.


Your right foot describes a circular path during the technique; sweeping through both of opponent's legs.


The interesting feature of this banda (and other bandas) is that your hands are free as you take the opponent down; you can use them to tie his own arms up or other actions.



After you take the opponent down in front of you, immediately finish him off: Either stomp on his head with your right foot; or fall down on him, striking his head with your right elbow like this:

Curl your right leg and fall onto your right side; bracing your right fist with your left palm; using the tip of your right elbow to hit opponent's head as you fall.

(This is a better finish if there is just one opponent).

You should do that with any banda; but it somehow feels most natural for Banda de frente; the opponent is in a perfect position for it. One could say that this finish is an integral part of Banda de frente.


Banda de frente might not look like a very effective technique, as the fall is not very hard. However, this technique has a different aim; it is designed to take the opponent down in front of you quickly and effectively; so you can fall on him or stomp on his head, incapacitating him.


De frente is described by Burlamaqui(1928) and others.


In modern capoeira, it is common to call (its attempts at) standing rasteira 'Banda de frente'. But that is wrong; Banda de frente was a completely different technique.





















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