Banda de lado

Banda de lado is a powerful takedown of old capoeiragem. Let me start by describing its full form, together with its unique entry.


The opponent is in front of you.

Equip Smilodon+LightLegs; step outward with your left foot, put your left hand down (on the fingers only) and kick horizontally forth with your right leg, hitting the outside of opponent's left thigh with your ankle. This is a high-energy point("Ha!"); and a nerve disruptor.

Quickly bend forward and put your right palm on the ground, fingers turned leftward (on the fingers only); as you sweep your left leg from behind, under the right leg (which is still in the air) and low behind opponent's left leg. This is a high-energy point("He!"), and another nerve disruptor as it hits the back of opponent's calf. (It also makes the opponent stand up straight and spread his arms, preparing him for the final throw).

Finish by compressing your weight onto your left leg, stepping with your right leg and standing up behind the opponent; lacing your right arm under his left upper arm and in front of his chest. Finish by pushing back with your right arm against his chest and bumping upward with your right leg against the back of his legs. This is a high-energy point("Ho!").

Done properly (with LightLegs), this will launch the opponent in the air, legs high, making him fall back on his head. If you did the two nerve disruptors right, it will also apply a nerve strangle as he is thrown.


The principle of the throw is that you push the opponent backward with your right arm, placing his center of gravity behind your right leg; as you compress you left leg (using LightLegs!) and bump his legs upward with your right thigh. The more powerful the bump, the higher opponent's legs fly and the harder the fall.

This is why the power of banda de lado depends on the ferociousness of the entering with your left leg (and on the general elastic power of your LightLegs tendons).

This is also why modern vingativa - done without LightLegs - has no power; and must be wrongly done by pushing the opponent down with your elbow. (see also below).


The entry, done properly, is incredibly agile.

To do it from Peneiracao, start from the position on your right leg with your left leg cocked back; step down with the left leg, but only partially; and then use the front right leg to give the initial kick of the entry.

Tactically, this makes it a jabkick.


Together, the vocalization for this technique is "HaHeHo!".


Note that because the entry creates two nerve disruptions, the opponent cannot evade the throw after the first kick hits him.


The throw is very dangerous, and can kill the opponent; especially when done on a hard surface.


The entry is unique in capoeiragem, as it is on of the few techniques that uses Smilodon archetype (otherwise only used in internal kungfu styles); making it Smilodon+LightLegs, very mechanically difficult combination. It can be said that this technique is a bridge between capoeiragem and internal kungfu.


The technique can be done without the low entry; just by stepping behind the opponent  with your right leg and pushing him with your right arm; then the vocalization is only "Ho!".

However, it must still be done using LightLegs; otherwise, you get modern "vingativa", which is worthless. (The throwing part of Banda de lado is done using Tiger+LightLegs; the throwing part of modern "vingativa" is done using Tiger).


De lado either enlaces opponent's near arm as described; or if his near arm if lifted, you can push directly with your elbow into his chest.

(Note that this is possible only because of LightLegs; the modern "vingativa", done only using Tiger archetype, can only push with the elbow).


Banda de lado can be also done from standing like a normal banda; after setting it up with a hand jab nerve disruption(Internal slap).


Frankly, this technique can finish 99% of modern 'fights'. Unless the opponent is a trained fighter, he gets disrupted by the first kick,then by the second kick, and then he ends head down in the air.

If situation doesn't allow this entry (too little room), you can start with an Internal slap(jab) and step into it.

The only problem there might be is that the throw is too powerful; you might on purpose do it with less power to prevent injuring the enemy seriously. This is possible; from mild takedown; through a hard bump on his shoulder; to the full-on De lado which might end up with a fractured skull or a broken neck.

To sum it up: De lado is the king of capoeiragem techniques.


Bimba's Vingativa and modern "vingativa" are degenerations of this original lethal banda; see also my article on "Silly vingativa".


De lado was called 'Tronco, raiz e fedegoso' (Trunk, root and treetop) in Moraes Filho(1901), most probably refering to the kick to the thigh("trunk"), to the calf("root") and throw("treetop").

It is written: ''O Tronco, raiz e fedegoso, talvez o lance mais feliz do jôgo, visto depender de uma agilidade incrível e considerável solidez muscular, forma a síntese dos arriscados estudos da capoeiragem."

Moraes calls it 'the most divine technique of the game', because it depends on 'incredible agility and considerable muscular strength', forming 'the pinnacle of the dangerous study of capoeiragem'; I believe he is specifically referring to the Smilodon+LightLegs entry.


De lado escape

As noted, if you do the throw full power, it is very dangerous - opponent's legs are thrown high up and he falls backward on his head.

However, there is an escape:

The moment the opponent throws your legs high up, equip Smilodon+LightLegs and shout "Ha!", twisting to the right and reaching down with your right arm; this will make you arch backward in the air and land on your hands; shout "Hi!", flipping back onto your feet.

This "balao" is the only defence there is after the throw is already applied.

Note: The escape needs Smilodon archetype; ie it is also Smilodon+LightLegs; making it mechanically very advanced.


Before it is fully applied, Banda de Lado can be countered with Figure 4 disruptor (see my article on Batuque tactics); however, this is hard to do because of the initial nerve disruptor kick


Generic Banda de lado

I found a forgotten video of Banda de lado without any entry:


As you probably know, Banda de lado was used in many capoeiragem systems, including Carioca, Recifeana, Bahian physical-game capoeira, Bimba's Nemer system and Batuque; each system having a unique entry.

In Carioca, you can enter it using the entry above; or using jab entry.





















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