
Escorao is an interesting type of front kick used in old Carioca.

Escorao demonstrated by Burlamaqui(1928)


It is done using Eagle+LightLegs mechanics.

What is unique about it is the tactics: Equip LightLegs and turn leftward away from the opponent, faking retreat from combat.

The moment the opponent jumps forward to attack, turn back and kick into his dantien (navel) region with your right toes. This is a high-energy point("Haaa!")


The key maneuver is the fake turning away; it lures the opponent to move forward; and then you suddenly turn back to kick his underbelly.

This kick cannot be done without LightLegs.


The effect is an organ crusher; which can seriously injure the opponent, so use this kick with caution.


The problem with this kick is that like Pontape, if it is done properly (with shout and the proper target), it will seriously wound or kill the opponent; if done improperly, the
effect will be unpredictable, from nothing to a serious injury.

Therefore, as with Pontape, I don't teach this kick.


As noted, tactically, Escorao consists first of a drawing fake (inviting the opponent to attack); and then a counter to that attack. Escorao is thus a weird type of counterkick.


This kick has nothing to do with modern capoeira "escorao"; which is a simple sidekick.


This kick is described in Moraes Filho (1901), and compared with Pe de panzina: Both are front kicks; but one is set up using a fake, the other is a direct attack (jabkick).


Burlamaqui (1928) also describes this kick.


Escorao might look a bit funny; but in a street fight, especially in a mass battle, with the adrenaline pumping, it might have been surprisingly effective - you turn around as if injured or escaping; and as the opponent eagerly springs forward to finish you off, you suddenly turn back and kick him hard.




















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